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DSE & Workstation Assessor Service

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 Reg2(1) requires every employer to perform a suitable and sufficient analysis of those workstations which (regardless of who has provided them) are used for the purposes of his undertaking by users; or have been provided by him and are used for the purposes of his undertaking by operators. In short, it means an employer must assess ‘a user’ (means an employee who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of his normal work) or ‘an operator’ (means a self-employed person who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of his normal work) and in doing so identify and hazards and reduce the risks to a minimum.


PJB Safety Services can provide a DSE Assessor Service that could include (we can modify to suit your Company’s needs):


  • A single DSE Assessment – As requested by an employee (operator/user) or supporting your companies’ procedures following identifying a need for a DSE Risk Assessment.

    • Following sickness/absence – An employee (operator/user) returning to work following a period of sickness/illness, as the employer you wish to ensure all suitable control measures are in place so as not to exacerbate any medical condition.

    • A worker is identified as pregnant – Where an employee has formally informed your company that they are pregnant, reviewing their current DSE Assessment or conducting a new DSE assessment is part ‘the risk assessment’ required to assist in addressing any control measures that can assist the employee during their pregnancy.

    • A worker is returning from maternity leave (and continues to breast feed) – Part of ‘the risk assessment’ required to ensure that a new mother and her new child (especially if breast feeding) are not placed at risk is reviewing their current DSE Assessment or conducting a new DSE assessment to assist in addressing any control measures are reduce any risks to an acceptable level

    • For other business reasons for an employee working from home – The HSE have clear guidelines to assist the employer with ensuring workers are protected when working from home (either permanently or temporarily), employers may still need to extend their DSE Assessment regime to cover remote workers

  • Full DSE Assessment package – You company procedures require that all your identified Users/Operators require to be assessed and where required control measures identified, implemented and Users/Operators trained/instructed accordingly to allow risks to be reduced to an absolute minimum.

  • Introduction of new systems – Your company may have a requirement that employees are expected to utilise multi screens and all current control measures need to be reviewed to ensure that the introduction of new ‘Display Screen Equipment’ is not place your employees at risk and if need be new control measures will be identified to reduce the risk to an absolute minimum.


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