H&S Competent Person Service

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Reg 7 states that every employer shall, appoint one or more competent persons to assist him in undertaking the measures he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon him by or under the relevant statutory provisions. This extends to a person or persons competent to assist with the management of Health and Safety. PJB Safety Services can assist with the following common requests (our list is not exhaustive):
#1 Nothing is in place – A Competent H&S Person to assist in building and managing a Health and Safety Management System from scratch, this can be because a Company has grown rapidly and increased in size and the Directors have identified that there are massive gaps within their organisation and health and safety is not being correctly addressed.
#2 We have a H&S Management System that is dormant – A Competent H&S Person is required to come into our organisation and assist specific employees in reviewing and reactivating the current Health and Safety Management System and guide us until we feel confident to take full ownership.
#3 We have had significant accidents & near misses – A Competent H&S Person is required to assist us in identifying non compliances or gaps in our Health and Safety Management System to assist in reducing our accident and incident rates to an absolute minimum. This may or may not also involve interaction by the Regulatory Authorities.
#4 We are currently seeking SSIP accreditation – Our Company is currently looking to obtain an SSIP accreditation (CHAS, SMAS, Safe Contractor, Acclaim, etc), you are seeking to engage a retained Competent H&S Person until you have sufficient trained employees to undertake the role
#5 On long term sick leave – Our Competent Health & Safety Person is on long term sick leave and your company requires full time or part time assistance during their period of absence